Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

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Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

Post by Doodee »

Hello all,

I’m hoping someone might be able to give me a clue as to what might be happening. I have a 10 year old Vivaldi that’s yesterday stopped heating the steam boiler. Group works fine and has no issue but for the steam boiler the boiler light will continue to blink but that’s it.

It had been working fine for the previous few days. Before that I had an issue with the Steam boiler overfilling intermittently. After replacing the over pressure valve, cleaning the fill probe and finally replacing the water reservoirs o rings it eventually worked properly for a few days until now.

I have tried power cycling, checking safety fuse, testing element for continuity (reads fine) but am not sure what else I can check?
Any help is appreciated. I miss my morning caps.
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Re: Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

Post by chas »

The excerpt I've attached from the on-line Users Manual seems to be the closest match. Sounds like it you might still be having a boiler refill issue.
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Re: Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

Post by Doodee »

Thanks again Chas!
I left the machine unplugged overnight and to my surprise it just started working again. Pump never engaged for the boiler as it was already full and so far hasn’t refilled after a test cap. Will keep an eye on it and see if it happens again. My worry that the boiler element was gone is now over!
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Re: Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

Post by Doodee »

So it looks like my steam boiler over filling issue is not quite fixed. Today after removing the water reservoir and refilling it the pump triggered for the steam boiler but kept going longer than it should. I switched it off via the boiler button but it began to leak at the water inlet from the tank.

It also started to produce water at the vacuum breaker that I needed to remove. And when I used the steam wand a considerable amount of water began to flow.

The water inlet used 3 o-rings and was replaced when I last brought it for a service. I noticed in the parts catalogue that the stock one only uses 2 (7407). Could this be the cause of the issue?
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Re: Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

Post by Doodee »

This issue is very intermittent. It went away for a while but is now back again. I can’t really fathom what it might be since the boiler fills with water and it will come out of the steam wand, but when it tries to refill then it will overfill and trigger the safety valve, leading to a puddle of water.
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Re: Mini Vivaldi II - Steam boiler not heating

Post by Doodee »

So I managed to resolve this issue. It turns out the wire to the fill probe might have had corrosion on it. I stripped more of the shielding from the cable to ensure better contact with the screw and now the machine is no longer over filling.
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