I stopped my drip

Tips and Tricks you have discovered with your S1, VII, Mini-VII, Dream, or Dream T that lets you do any aspect of coffee making, steaming, maintenance, etc better.
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I stopped my drip

Post by chas »

Yesterday I did two things and today I have no drip. I'm not sure which one did it or if it required the combination of the two.
1) Several months ago I removed my pressure regulator because it had developed a drip. I repaired and reinstalled it with it set to 20psi
2) I also checked the setting of the expansion valve per the instructions on this page:
I found that the pressure was set way too high so I unscrewed the expansion valve until it just opened at 12.5bar. It took at least three turns!
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
Mazzer Kony E, Customized Rocky
Hottop P/B

Post by Niko »

I might try that next week when I take my S1 apart to replace the temp sensor. Might as well since the covers will off anyways...
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