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My iCinco de Mayo! Mini II

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:45 am
by chefbear
I received my new mini II on Monday (May 5th) and things are going very well. Got the machine out of the box and set it up pretty easily. After the initial warm up I pulled a couple of blank shots and then gave it try.

First espresso tasted pretty bad. Might have been the beans or it might have been some residual flavor from the Grindz stuff I put in my Mazzer Mini in preparation for my new machine's arrival. The shot looked pretty good though and this gave me hope.

Subsequent shots have just gotten better and better! The Spaz is a joy to use and I'm having fun "tweaking" my shots (changing the grind, the amount of coffee, etc..).

Programming the length of the shots (single and double) was pretty easy. They have step-by-step instructions in the manual. The only thing I noticed was that the book repeatedly instructed you to press and hold certain buttons for three seconds to begin the programming/setup process but in my case it was closer to five seconds. The on/off timer was a little confusing but I eventually got the hang of that.

I experienced one problem the second day when I noticed water all over my counter and floor. I had been reading all about the leaking problems of another member of this forum ('sup Zoey? - keep studying for those finals!) and immediately assumed I was having the same problem. Turns out the problem I had was not pushing my water reservoir firmly back into the machine after refilling. That problem appears to be solved. No leaks or drips since.

I read just about everything I could find on this site about the S1 while I was waiting for my machine to arrive and am grateful to all who have posted what they have learned. I hope this is helpful.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:11 am
by zoey
Yes, the guys here have been tremendously helpful (and quick to reply).

Two finals down and one to go. I only missed 2 questions on todays final. Must be all of the coffee that's keeping me alive.

I dread the day that I actually have to go to work. I wonder if my Spaz will miss me as much as I will her.