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Preventing Scale Buildup

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:51 pm
by innermusic
I've heard it said that, just before turning the machine off for the night, one should drain a pint of hot water from the hot water spout, and a half pint from the brew head, allow the water to refill, then power down - done to reduce the scale buildup from having that hot water sit there overnight. True? Or just turn the machine off and go to bed? Any other tips for powering down at night?

Re: Preventing Scale Buildup

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:17 pm
by expy98
hmm, exactly one month old post and no replies... I guess everybody is on vacation...

I think you only can help the steam boiler, not much you can do about the brew boiler. When you steam, if you don't
purge some hot water then mineral contents will build up.

What I do is after I'm done using the machine (typically make 2 morning cappas), I draw a few ounces of water
from the hot water dispenser, wait for refill to start, then draw some more. I suppose the more water is purged
the better. But between purging and using the hot water to warm up the cups, I think that should suffice
for the little steaming that I do.

I also draw some from the brew boiler but that's while brushing the screen/gasket w/ a group brush to clean it.
It does nothing to reduce scale buildup.

Re: Preventing Scale Buildup

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:46 pm
by MDL
I agree; the major scale issue is in the steam boiler where you are concentrating the minerals when you boil the water to make the steam. I pull some water from the hot water tap every day when I start in the morning. The brew boiler is a closed system that is never boiled and where water is being purged when you do your temperature stabilization shots and when you pull your coffee shots.